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The Moon holds a fascination for everyone, and who can help being riveted by the beauty of a full Moon and what the Moon can reveal. The light of the Moon seems to contain a magic all its own, yet something that we all wish to share in, the allure of the Moon has a place in our hearts, as it did in the hearts of our ancestors.

This is Inspiration collected for you - mjoy!

The Moon held in hand

The Moon has connotations for many religions, and the word Moon comes from the Greek word meaning “measure”, there are many Christian celebrations with a connection to the Moon on specific dates. The ancient Egyptians discovered that although the Moon shape shifted with precision regularly, it did not provide an accurate measure of the seasons, and there was a miscalculation by several days. The regularity of the Moon’s ability to shape shift was a way for ancient civilizations to be able to keep time, and the cycles of the Moon were the basis of the earliest calendars. Farmers needed to know when to plant and to harvest, merchants needed to know when to expect to have crops for sale. It was also necessary to have an accurate gauge of the season to be prepared for the annual flooding of the River Nile, none of which could take place without an accurate measure of time. The next calendar designed by the Egyptians was based on solar cycles, which gave them a more accurate measure of time.

Tidal Force explained There was an early awareness of the Moon’s connection to the oceans of the world and the cycles of nature, the Moon affects the creatures of the sea, many of which mate and spawn during particular cycles of the tides. Some fish are easier to catch during the full Moon, birds and animals are all affected during the phase of the full Moon, animals are more active at this time. Ancient civilizations used the Moon to predict weather patterns, and it was likely that this was thought to be magic. It is known today that tornadoes and hurricanes tend to occur during the phases of the New and the full Moon, more than any other time, and there is a tendency for more rainfall during the first quarter of the Waning Moon. The human pregnancy gestation period is calculated by lunar cycles.

Moon Folklore

There is the legend of the Moon Maiden who collects the wishes and dreams of all living creatures on earth, they are then dropped into a goblet and swirled together before they are sprinkled back on Earth and become dew. The German goddess Frigg is said to live on the Moon spinning the lives of mankind, while the Chinese goddess Ch’ang O stole the potion of immortality from her husband. She drank every drop and flew to the Moon to escape; she now lives there contentedly after being given refuge by the hare who resides on the Moon.

Rona - New Zealand Maori Moon woman

When building a wooden fence, you want to last, lay the foundation and set the posts while the Moon is waning, then wait until the Moon’s horns point skyward, you may then lay the lower rail. When the Moon’s horns point to Earth the fence can be completed, when building a fence in this way it will be sturdy and last. When the Moon is waxing hooks for fishing can be set, when the Moon wanes fish by the light of day. If you bow to the new Moon good luck will be yours. To assure an auspicious marriage, marry twenty-four to forty-eight hours after the full Moon, and the Scottish believe that a wedding should take place when the Moon is full, thus ensuring a long and happy marriage.

The Moon lunation takes around twenty-nine and a half days, starting from a full Moon and it continues until the next full Moon. For centuries civilizations bowed to the power of the Moon, crops were planted according to the Moon’s phases, there were many rituals celebrating the power of the Moon. There is still intrigue regarding the Moon and it holds a certain fascination for most people.

The Moon plays a very profound role when it comes to spell casting, if you make magic be aware that the subconscious mind is ruled by the Moon. Those interested in magic and spell casting can enhance the power of their spells by becoming acquainted with all the phases of the Moon, and how to apply them, by tapping into the energy of the Moon you will be guided in your magic practice. Your life could be transformed by working with the different energies of the Moon. Before performing spells, it is a good idea to meditate and help yourself to reach an altered state of consciousness. If you believe in higher powers and higher energies, you will naturally respond to the waxing and waning of the Moon’s energies. When casting spells, you are working with the subconscious mind, the elements, and with energy, the Moon is accessed, and its transformational powers utilised. Spells require you to ignite the magic that you will be invoking and then, working with the universal life force, you become as one with the energy flow of the unseen. If you are patient, waiting for the correct phase of the Moon to make your magic will enhance the ultimate results of your spell casting.

The Phases of The Moon

Whether or not you accept that the Moon influence the lives of humans - the phases of the Moon provide some clear indications of how to proceed in their cyclical footprint to work with the forces of nature rather than against them.

So, let's look at each Moon phase, how it can affect us, and how we can make the most of every phase! The App store and Google play have some good Moon phase Apps so you can know exactly what phase is current and upcoming.

Moon phases northern and southern hemispheres

NEW MOON - The Crescent – Beginnings This is the crescent Moon when see the first peak of light, this is a time of newness, the beginning of relationships, the beginning of a new venture, the energy of this phase promotes new beginnings on any level. This is the time for change and for being open to and looking for new opportunities. Be Inspired, learn and grow.

The new moon gradually builds in strength toward the full moon over the following two weeks. The new moon phase is a more introspective time and represents new beginnings as we plant seeds for the future. It’s a good time to set clear intentions for the month ahead, clarify your goals, start new projects, and acknowledge your growth since the previous new moon. It’s also a good time to let go and release what no longer serves you so that you can welcome in the new, especially because this phase can spark a desire to pause and reflect. New moon energy can be honoured the day before, the day of, and the day after the actual new moon.

Light a candle and grab your journal. Date the top of the page along with the words “New Moon Intentions.” Then close your eyes for a few deep breaths, and when you’re ready, write down three to five core intentions for this moon cycle. Write clearly in the first person and present tense as though it’s already happening. When you’re done, read each one out loud, stating, “And so it is,” after each spoken intention. Some intentions may take a few moon cycles to fully materialize. Reflect on what you’ve written and edit it as needed on each new moon. Be grateful as your intentions come to life.

The Garden At the New Moon, the lunar gravity pulls water up, and causes the seeds (and ideas) to swell and burst. This factor, coupled with the increasing moonlight creates balanced root and leaf growth. This is the best time for planting above ground annual crops that produce their seeds outside the fruit. Examples are lettuce, spinach, celery, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and grain crops. Cucumbers like this phase also, even though they are an exception to that rule.

WAXING MOON – Growing but not half full The Moon is beginning to gain strength as it grows in size, and goes from a new to a full Moon, this is a perfect time for growth and increasing things, growth within a relationship, financial growth, a time for learning and gaining knowledge. If someone is thinking about pregnancy, this is a time of fertility, and it is an exceptional time for communication, in a business matter, or within a relationship. This is also an auspicious time for any legal matters, especially those where finances are concerned, if a healing spell, or healing of any type is needed, this is the time.

The waxing moon is when the light of the moon gradually begins to expand and grow in its fullness, serving as fuel during this phase. It is the sprouting growth of the seeds you planted during the new moon as you clarify and breathe life into the intentions you named. The waxing moon is a good time to get motivated, commit to what you are building, and put your intentions into action. As the moon progresses toward fullness, look honestly at your goals and the realistic daily steps you can take to achieve them. This is a magnetic time for transformation, new ideas, building energy, nurturing dreams, overcoming hurdles, and potential breakthroughs.

Waxing Gibbous Moon – over halfway to full During the phase of the Gibbous Waxing Moon anything to do with increase is compatible; this is a good time for minor magic as the lunar energy is waning.

The Garden In the First Quarter the gravitational pull is less, but the moonlight is strong, creating strong leaf growth. It is generally a good time for planting, especially two days before the full moon. The types of crops that prefer the first quarter are annuals that produce above ground, but their seeds form inside the fruit, such as beans, melons, peas, peppers, squash, and tomatoes. Mow lawns during the waxing moon phases to increase growth.

In the phase of the waxing Moon, grab a pack of oracle cards, like the Moon Deck, for inspired action. Pause for a couple deep breaths, tune in to your intentions, and shuffle the cards. Spread out the cards and hover your left hand over them until you feel a magnetic pull. Draw two cards: The first one brings clarity to your core intention, and the second card represents the support or action needed to nurture this intention. Sit with what arises as you contemplate your cards.

The Garden In the First Quarter the gravitational pull is less, but the moonlight is strong, creating strong leaf growth. It is generally a good time for planting, especially two days before the full moon. The types of crops that prefer the first quarter are annuals that produce above ground, but their seeds form inside the fruit, such as beans, melons, peas, peppers, squash, and tomatoes. Mow lawns during the waxing moon phases to increase growth.

Beautiful harvest moon

FULL MOON – Completion The full Moon is the most powerful phase, this is when the Moon is seen in its glorious fullness, this is a time of enlightenment and heightened psychic awareness. It is a time when everything comes together, it is a time of ideas, also a time of commitment, to a person, idea or project. It is also a time of family, and or friends coming together, any spell is well aspected during this phase of the Moon.

The full moon is the phase when the sun illuminates the entire moon, making her as full, round, and bright as can be. This phase represents completion, fertility, abundance, and transformation, when the seeds from the new moon come into bloom. Because the moon is directly opposite the sun during this phase, it can also be a time of friction, polarity, and more-intense emotional energy. Everything is in full illumination, which also means it’s a good time to look honestly at the full spectrum of what is or is not working for you. With this higher energy also come more outward connection and celebration. Plus, your psychic abilities may be more awake—so listen closely to what you intuitively want to shed, let go of, and release. Full moon energy can be honoured the day before, the day of, and the day after the actual full moon.

The full moon is an excellent time to charge your crystals. Place your crystals somewhere they will be exposed to the moonlight, such as on your windowsill or outside in a safe and dry spot. Leave them out for up to forty-eight hours so that they can soak up as much of this cosmic juice as possible. The full moon will cleanse and activate your crystals.

The Garden The moisture levels are high again, but moonlight is going to begin steadily decreasing each day. This makes it a perfect time to plant root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, rutabagas and beets. All that extra energy being pulled into plant roots makes the full moon a great time to plant bulbs and perennials as well.

WANING GIBBOUS MOON– decreasing but still l more than half visible The Waning Gibbous Moon is suitable for rituals associated with letting go, and banishing, if it is time to clear out the old and prepare for the new, this is the Moon phase to spell craft with.

After the Full Moon, as the moon wanes, the energy is drawing down. The gravitation pull is high, creating more moisture in the soil, but the moonlight is decreasing, putting energy into the roots. This is a favourable time for planting root crops, including beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, and peanuts. It is also good for perennials, biennials, bulbs and transplanting because of the active root growth. Pruning in this phase is best done in the sign of Scorpio.

Waning Moon – almost back to the crescent As the Moon decreases in size, it goes from full to dark, and this is a time of letting go, it is also a time of completion. If you have been wanting to change something in your life, this is the perfect time. It is also a time of ending anything that doesn’t work in your life, this may be a habit, a relationship, or paying attention to issues associated with legal matters, this is a time to pay attention to anything that you have been procrastinating about.

Waning refers to the decreasing of the moon’s light, inviting us to surrender and soften. The waning moon is a time to renew, withdraw, and rest. You may lean into this phase intuitively, or you may have to consciously carve out the time to pause if you tend to be constantly on the go. After the active glow of the full moon, the waning moon begins to darken, inviting you to shed and release. This is a good phase to reflect and contemplate what is coming to a close so that you can prepare to plant new seeds or tend to those that need nurturing as the moon makes her way toward the new moon once again. The waning moon is also a time to declutter, decrease, cleanse, heal, end chapters, and allow the waters of your intuition to flow fully.

We all know how good it feels to walk into a clean and clear space. The waning moon invites you to release the clutter and create a sacred space to dwell in so that your mind and energy feel clear. It may take a few waning moon phases to declutter your home, so start small and let it build. You will instantly feel the difference. Let go or clean up anything that weighs you down or takes up valuable space. This is also a great time to create your sacred altar: a place to journal, meditate, and work with your oracle cards. If you already have one, clean it and reorganize it to reflect your current intentions.

The Garden In the Last Quarter there is decreased gravitational pull and moonlight, and it is considered a resting period. This is also the best time to cultivate, harvest, transplant and prune. Mow lawns in the waning moon phases to retard growth.

DARK MOON This is a time when the Moon is not visible in the sky, this phase lasts for approximately two or three days, and if there is something in your life that is unnecessary, this is the time to release it. It is also a time of recognising what you have accomplished in your life, and a time to plan for what you want to attain in the future. If you have been in a quandary and are unsure how to progress, this is the time for you to go within and be honest with yourself about what is right for you at this point in your life. If you enjoy meditation this is a perfect time for that, if you have never meditated, there is no better time to begin. Untether your Spirit.

The 10 auspicious days after a full moon

There is folklore which deems the ten-day period following the appearance of the full Moon holds a special magic, and those who take notice of the daily attributes and use them, will become very powerful.

First Day Full Moon An auspicious time to begin anything new, also a lucky day for babies to be born, it is said they will lead long and charmed lives, and they will have all that they need. Although if someone becomes ill in this time period, it will take a considerable amount of time for them to recover.

Second Day Full Moon This is a particularly special day, with a vibration towards thriving on all levels, it is particularly auspicious for finances, it is a good time to sell anything and an exceptional time to plant anything that grows.

Third Day Full Moon This is a strange day as it seems that much theft takes places at this time, but by the same token the thieves acting on this day are usually caught very quickly.

Fourth Day Full Moon Anything to do with building, construction, remodeling and decorating will be successful on this day, and strangely enough children born on this day may be drawn to a career in politics. If not politics at the very least, they will have an enduring understanding of right and wrong and will apply this throughout their life.

Fifth Day Full Moon Apparently, this is thought to be the best day of the year to conceive a child, and the weather on this day is a mark of what the weather will be like for the rest of the month. It is also a day ripe with promise for new projects and ideas.

Sixth Day Full Moon This is a perfect day for meditation and soul searching, a day to pamper and a day to tune yourself inwardly. This is also an exceptional day to begin a voyage or vacation, it is also a wonderful day for growth and adventure.

Seventh Day If you are single and looking for a partner this is a particularly auspicious day to find your mate, this is a day of opportunity. This is also a very lucky day and if you need some luck in your life, this day it just may come to you.

Eighth Day This is often a day of low energy, and you are open this day to catching a cold or virus, if you fall sick on this day stop and pay attention to your body and give yourself time to recuperate. This is a day where you will feel especially sensitive.

Ninth Day It is said that it is better not to look at the Moon on the ninth day because the energy can be unsettling, and it is thought it is not good for your skin if you look at the Moon on this day.

Tenth Day

This is a day you may feel a little on edge, it is a day to be patient and not rush into anything or do anything in a hurry. Children may be erratic on this day; it is possible children will flout authority on this day.

The Moon & the Zodiac

The Moon orbits one full turn around the Earth in 28 days. And as it does, it passes through each of the Zodiac signs for about 2 to 2 1/2 days. The sign of the Moon on any given day broadcasts the subtle emotional undercurrent. Like the mystery of the lunar pull, it's hard to put your finger on, but something felt, like a background hum or wave.

It's a fleeting mood that you can follow to help you plan your week. Following the Moon through its signs and phases takes you out of artificial time, and into natural time. The more you tune into the lunar rhythm, the more it'll come into the foreground for you. You can discover your own power days for every particular life situation by following the Moon.

The Moon in any sign will affect you based on your own Moon sign and other planets in your birth chart. If you haven’t had your birth chart calculated already this is a great free online resource. You can find your natal Moon sign by looking at your birth chart.

Aires Icon

Aries Moon (Fire) ruled by Mars – Good for starting things but lacks staying power. Things occur rapidly, but quickly pass. Beginning of things, matters of self and your personality. Cleansing and personal development, starting new things and new beginnings, especially financial and medically related, leadership, willpower, spiritual conversations, authority, rebirth, leadership; healing spells of the head, brain, eyes, bones of face, teeth, pineal gland.

Aries is a barren sign, not known for being conducive to inner plane endeavours such as pathworking, dream word, or astral projection, although it is an excellent time to work magick for new ventures particularly if they are financial, medical, or related to construction. Because Aries is a fire sign it is energetic, good for working magick for personal strength and stamina. On the negative side it is also connected with impatience and dominance.

Taurus coloured bull head

Taurus Moon

(Earth) ruled by Venus – Things begun now last the longest, tend to increase in value, and become harder to alter. Financial matters of personal nature, vehicles, benefits, possessions. The increase of a sensual or artistic nature, abundance, productivity, determination, loyalty, trust, love, prosperity, money and material things, acquisition; healing spells for the throat, neck, jaw, chin, tonsils, thyroid, vocal cords, ears.

The moon in Taurus makes us protective and stubborn and brings out our artistic natures. It’s a good time for magick where issues of trust and loyalty are at stake, and it can give a boost of determination to see you through to the end of any endeavour. Astrologers say that the moon is “exalted” in Taurus, in this case meaning it stabilizes and hones the emotional influences of the moon. Passions can run high during this transit and spells to increase one’s sensual nature are at their best. One warning, however: spells begun with the moon in stubborn Taurus may be hard to shut down once they are underway.

Gemini twins mono

Gemini Moon (Air) ruled by Mercury – Things begun now are easily changed by outside influence. Relatives, communication, studies, writing, street smarts. Communication, writing, wit, study, healing, travel; healing spells for the arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, thymus, bronchial tubes, speech.

Gemini is the most eclectic of all the signs, but also the most mercurial and fickle. Because the sign is ruled by Mercury, it is an excellent time for any type of spells concerning communication, writing, mass media, or for ferreting out one’s hidden enemies. Moon in Gemini can make the superficial appear stable; you should not jump to conclusions about the success of your spells at this time. Healing spells also work very well during moon in Gemini.

Zodiac Cancer Crab Icon

Cancer Moon (Water) ruled by Moon – Pinpoints need, supports growth and nurturance. Home environment, mothers, end of life, family. Creativity, insight, sensitivity, the home, your psychic nature, domestic life; healing of the stomach, breasts, diaphragm, womb, ribs, digestive organs.

Cancer is the home of the moon and is the most fertile sign in the zodiac. Virtually any venture undertaken during this time will grow favourably, especially psychic and inner-plane endeavours. This is also the best sign for dealing with matters relating to the home, fertility, pregnancy, children, or the emotions. Planting and growing are also under the influence of Cancer, and magick for any type of growth or increase will quickly take root. Moon in Cancer also brings out our protective natures and lets the imagination flourish.

Leo Moon (Fire) ruled by Sun – Showmanship, favours being seen, drama, recreation and happy pursuits. Pleasures, hobbies, love affairs, entertainment, sports, your pets. Leadership, strength, pride, power, vitality, and binding spells. This is a popular time to cast spells and to ask for favours. physical arts such as acting, fertility, and power, authority, courage, fertility; healing of the upper back, spinal cord, heart, blood circulation, spleen, vital forces.

In contrast to the fertile Cancer, Leo is the most barren sign in the zodiac, one seemingly desolate and unfit for magick. On the other hand, Leo is governed by the vibrant power of the sun, which rules prosperity, leadership, celebration, and celebrity. Moon in Leo brings out our magnanimous natures and can be a good time for working magick on behalf of others. On the negative side, it can make us self-indulgent, a time when the temptation to do negative or manipulative magick is strongest. This is also a fine transit for working spells for leaders, for the sane use of power, and for binding spells.

Virgo cartoon naked girl icon

Virgo Moon (Earth) ruled by Mercury – Favours accomplishment of details and commands. Working environment, health, service extended, clothing. Stability, health, victory, and financial improvements, self-improvement project, intellect, employment, health, and of course details, employment, health, food and diet; healing of the nervous system, intestines, abdominal organs, bowels, spleen.

Virgo is the fastidious intellectual of the zodiac. When the moon is in Virgo it is a good time to work with matters pertaining to education, volunteerism, and health. It is also a prime time for casting spells requiring great attention to detail, as this is also the province of Virgo. Spells worked for mental prowess, stability, and conscientiousness take deep roots in Virgo. Keep in mind that Mercury, the planet which rules Virgo, is cerebral, whereas the moon is emotional; this can be a source of either conflict or harmony for your spells, depending upon the desired outcome.

Libra water colour icon

Libra Moon (Air) ruled by Venus – Increases self-awareness, favours self-examination and interaction with others. Marriage, partnerships, legal matters, small animals. Peace, diplomacy, couple’s magick, artistic and spiritual work, karma and justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise); healing of the lower back, adrenals, kidneys, venous system, lumbar nerves, skin.

While the moon is in Libra our minds turn to aesthetics and to balance. It is a good time for couple’s magick, and for all spells for peace and balance, or for the promotion of fairness and justice. Venus rules romance and this is a propitious transit for love magick. Spells requiring, or aligned with, diplomacy and adaptability also work well.

Scorpio zodiac icon

Scorpio Moon (Water) ruled by Pluto – Increases awareness of psychic power. Ends connections. Death, sex, taxes, inheritances, transformation. Ambition, heightened sensitivity, and things in which are hidden, divination, matters of transformation and desire, life changes, sexual fantasies, psychic growth, healing of the reproductive organs, bladder, urinary system, colon, prostate, coccyx.

Scorpio is the keeper of secrets, and a good time to try and unlock occult wisdom through divination and ritual. It is also a very fertile sign and a good time to work on fertility and sex magick. Matters pertaining to deceit, trustworthiness, and things hidden are best dealt with now. Scorpio is the sign of ambition, and spells for personal promotion work well at this time. Ruled by Pluto, the sign is linked to the work of the dead, and conditions for solid magick for the spirit world are optimal. This transit is very compatible with almost all lunar spell work.

Sagittarius Vibrant man beast archer

Sagittarius Moon (Fire) ruled by Jupiter – Encourages flights of imagination and confidence. Religion, metaphysics, long-distance travel, in-laws, higher learning. Spirituality, self-mastery, peace, finding the truth, exploration, legal matters or publishing, travel, sports, horses; healing of the liver, hips, thighs, sciatic nerve, arterial system, pelvis, sacrum.

Moon in Sagittarius makes us all philosophers and places us in a frame of mind to deal with issues of humanity, peace, and the right way of the universe. Sagittarius is the sign of the non-conformist, an excellent time to experiment with new spells and ritual methods. Because of its optimistic nature, challenges are often accepted during this transit, making it a good time to work magick for the more elusive things in your life.

Mono Capricorn goats head

Capricorn Moon (Earth) ruled by Saturn – Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline. Business, career, reputation, fathers, honour. Material concerns and grounding, past lives, careers, political matters and recognition, organisation, ambition; healing of the knees, bones, skin, cutaneous system, joints, knee-cap.

While the moon is in stable Capricorn is the time for dealing with material concerns, such as magick for obtaining a much-needed item. It is also a transit when pessimism and despondency tend to come to the fore front. If you are prone to depression, avoid divination during this transit and, instead, work spells for a better mental attitude. This is a time of stability, when grounding rituals and centering rituals work especially well. The influence of Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn, can assist in uncovering past-lives and overcoming past negative influences.

Aquarius aqua watercolour icon

Aquarius Moon (Air) ruled by Uranus – Favours activities that are unique and individualistic. Friendship, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, groups and organizations. Peace, understanding, rational actions, gatherings, troubled covens to gather, aid in achieving personal goals, freedom, creative expression or problem solving, cultivate your extrasensory abilities and friendships. Science, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, tibia, fibula, circulation, the breath.

There’s been a lot of New Age hype about the sterling qualities of Aquarius but, like all the signs, it has its negative aspects. These include a tendency to selfishness, air-headedness, thought without action, and generally allowing one’s mind to wander aimlessly in some vast pseudo-intellectual wilderness. However, it is also a time when people as a whole tend to be inspired to higher consciousness. Because of this, the Aquarian transit is a good time for troubled covens to meet. Magick for world peace and understanding are best undertaken during this sign. Warning: because this sign is now outwardly fighting for its identity in this New Age, anything can happen in your Aquarian/moon magick.

Pisces bright fish head to tail

Pisces Moon (Water) ruled by Neptune – Energy withdraws from the surface of life, hibernates within, secretly reorganizing and realigning. Inner development, karma, restrictions, secrets revealed. Dream work, astral projection, sensitivity, compassion, divination. (Avoid protection spells.) Energy is now withdrawing; it is a time to reorganize. Good time for clairvoyance, telepathy and music workings, art, telepathy; healing of the feet and toes, lymphatic and glandular systems, synovial fluids.

Ruled by watery Neptune, Pisces is a highly psychic sign and is a good time to try that divination method which has always eluded you. The two fish which symbolize the sign point not merely in two different directions. but the upper and lower worlds, and the inner and outer realms, offering us a bridge between them. It is a time when emotions can become clouded and melancholy; you should avoid protection spells unless you are sure you will not be tempted to cross the line of manipulation. Moon in Pisces brings out our compassionate natures and can aid in making magick for others. It is also a good time for dream work, astral projection, guided meditations, and is highly compatible with all lunar spell work. Second only to Cancer, Pisces is the most fertile of all the signs.

The Moons nodes are the two northern and southern points where the Moon’s orbit around the earth crosses the ecliptic, the nodes are a pair of linked opposites and in Western astrology, I your birth chart the north node represents the future and our search for happiness and success. The south node is that which we have come from and left behind, the south node is linked to inward Saturn, and the north node to the expansive Jupiter. In Vedic or Indian astrology, the nodes are seen as shadow planets and are mathematically defined points in space, it is also thought they are associated with karma.

Moon Energy of the Year

The Pagan wheel of the year

Cold Moon rises in December

Midwinter Solstice December 21

Yule resembles Christmas in many ways including gift giving, singing and certain symbols. Yule falls on the Winter Solstice and is a celebration of the longest night of the year.

Strawberry Moon Midsummer Solstice

Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance and beauty of Mother Earth. believed to be a time when faerie folk pass into the human world at Twilight and offer blessings.

Wolf Moon rises in January This is when shedding and cleansing takes place, the old year is released, and the energy of the New Year is beginning. This is a time for releasing yourself from the past and starting anew.

Snow Moon rises in February

Early Spring February 1

Imbolc marks the beginning of the lambing season and signals the beginning of Spring and the stirrings of new life.

Sturgeon Moon Early Autumn

Lughnasadh celebrates the fruition of the year's work with the weaning of calves and lambs, the ripening of corn. The first Harvest festival

Worm Moon rises in March Spring Equinox March 21

Ostara celebrates the German goddess Eostre and the origins of the Christian celebration of Easter. As the beginning of spring Ostara is a good time to literally and figuratively plant seeds for the future.

Harvest Moon Autumn Equinox

Mabon is a celebration of the second harvest festival when farmers gather hearty foods like gourds, pumpkins, grapes and apples.

Paschal Moon / Pink Moon rises in April

The Paschal Moon is the first Full Moon on or after March 21 and is used to determine the date of Easter. In some years, the Paschal Moon is the Worm Moon; in others, it's the Pink Moon (Full Moon in April).

The dates for the Paschal Moon range from March 21 to April 18.

Flower Moon rises in May

Late Spring May 1

Beltane, often commemorated with bonfires, maypoles, dancing, and performing fertility rituals.

Hunters Moon Late Autumn

Samhain is thought to be a time when the veil between the seen and unseen world is the thinnest. The Latin American celebration of the Day of the Dead is borne out of this belief.

Strawberry Moon rises in June Midsummer Solstice June 21

Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance and beauty of Mother Earth. It is believed to be a time when faerie folk pass into the human world at Twilight and offer blessings.

Cold Moon Midwinter Solstice

Yule resembles Christmas in many ways including gift giving, singing and certain symbols. Yule falls on the Winter Solstice and is a celebration of the longest night of the year.

Buck Moon rises in July a time to look at your life and to think carefully and make plans for the future, and to look at what you need to pay attention to.

Sturgeon Moon rises in August

Early Autum August 1

Lughnasadh celebrates the fruition of the year's work with the weaning of calves and lambs, the ripening of corn. The first Harvest festival

Snow Moon Early Spring

Imbolc marks the beginning of the lambing season and signals the beginning of Spring and the stirrings of new life.

Harvest Moon rises in September

Autumn Equinox September 21 Mabon was a celebration of the second harvest festival when farmers gathered hearty foods like gourds, pumpkins, grapes and apples.

Worm Moon Spring Equinox

Ostara A celebration of the German goddess Eostre and the origins of the Christian celebration of Easter. As the beginning of spring Ostara is a good time to literally and figuratively plant seeds for the future.

Hunter Moon Rises in October

Late Autumn 31 October Samhain Irish Gaelic for “Summer’s End” Samhain (pronounced Soo-Ween) is an ancient Pagan celebration marking the end of the harvest season and the start of the long, dark winter months. It’s time to face the reality of death and our own mortality. To honour and celebrate those we have loved and lost.

Flower Moon Late Spring

Beltane This festival is often commemorated with bonfires, maypoles, dancing, and performing fertility rituals.

Beaver Moon Rises in November say goodbye to the past year and start to turn our focus inward toward self-reflection. It’s a time to let go of the past and move forward toward new dreams and intentions.

Lunar eclipse with sun flashing behind

Lunar Eclipse

There are three types of lunar eclipse: a total lunar eclipse, a penumbral lunar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse. To understand the difference between them, we first need to understand how Earth's shadow works.

A Blue Moon

Some believe that the term “blue moon” meaning something rare may have originated from when smoke and ashes after a volcanic eruption turned the Moon blue. Others trace the term's origin to over 400 years ago—folklorist Philip Hiscock has suggested that invoking the Blue Moon once meant that something was absurd and would never happen.

For each month of the year, there is a full Moon, if two full Moons occur in one month, it is referred to as a blue Moon

The definition of a seasonal Blue Moon, the third Full Moon in an astronomical season with four Full Moons, can be traced back to the now-defunct Maine Farmer's Almanac. According to the Almanac, the appearance of a 13th Full Moon in a year ‘upset the arrangement of Church festivals.’ The unlucky status of the number 13 and the difficulties of calculating the occurrence of such a Full Moon led to the extra Full Moon being named a Blue Moon.

We can thank the Christian ecclesiastical calendar for the reason why the third Full Moon of the season is called the Blue Moon. The calendar uses the phases of the Moon to determine the exact dates for holidays like Lent and Easter.

The month of Lent contains the final Full Moon of winter, Lenten Moon. The first Full Moon of spring—also known as the Easter Moon or the Paschal Moon—falls just before Easter. Naming the third Moon of the season as the Blue Moon ensured that Lent and Easter coincided with the right Moon phases, and other celebrations and customs would still fall during their “proper” times.


Larch clear rainbow moonstone held in tweezers

Just like the moon that hangs in our sky, the Moonstone has been around for many seasonal shifts. In India, the Moonstone has a long history of being a tool used to bring divine wisdom and skills of clairvoyance to the table. In Ancient Rome, the Romans believed that the pearly sheen of the Moonstone was a shard of solid moonlight. It was said that those who glanced into the stone could see the Goddess Diana and that this pearly talisman would bring love and fortune to the wearer.

Delight in the divine feminine, find your good fortune, and say yes to deeper levels of crystal healing with the powers of the Moonstone. This kaleidoscopic crystal loves to bring light into your life, and just like the cosmic rock that hangs in our sky, the Moonstone is connected to all our emotions, the turns of the tide, the light and the dark, and the depths of our own soul. The healing powers of the Moonstone crosses from the spiritual to the physical, take a look at all the ways this pearly stone can bring back balance…

Physical Healing Properties

Being so linked to the Goddess energy and the divine feminine, It’s no surprise that for those people who suffer from PMS, the Moonstone could be your ticket to softer symptoms and better hormonal balance. The Moonstone powerfully affects the reproductive organs and brings your body into its own cycle. For those who are struggling with fertility issues, the Moonstone can also help to bring these issues into healthier fruition. Parents to be will also find strength and power in the Moonstone as it can help to ease all kinds of physical discomforts often associated with pregnancy and childbearing.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

If you’ve ever felt like you were losing your mind on a full moon, then this is just a hint as to how much the Moon affects our emotional balance. The Moonstone is here to shine a light through the darkness and to elevate all those feelings. When you take a symbol of the moon and keep it on your person or in your life, it will intuitively link you to the universe and can bring all those wild hormones into check, ensuring that you are moving in flow with the world outside your window. The Moonstone is also known as the stone of new beginnings. Everything passes, everything changes and the Moonstone reminds you how important it is to embrace the cyclical nature of the seasons and not to fear the turning of the page and the potential of new chapters. Rather than sink into overwhelm, the Moonstone helps you to process and accept through the harmony of its natural healing powers.

Metaphysical Properties

Cosmic and charming, the Moonstone is rich with psychic abilities and a great connector to the chakras. There is something deeply spiritual about this glimmering stone – just like watching the moonbeams dance of the midnight ocean, it instils us with a sense of wonder and calm. The Moonstone connects beautifully with the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra, the two chakras that invite us to look deep within so that we can see far beyond the confines of our own periphery. These two chakras when open and attuned help us to find our place in the universe and help us to feel part of this great cosmic jigsaw swirling above our heads. As Europe entered the Art Nouveau period, the Moonstone once again spun its magic and the stone saw a new flight of flourish as it became the centerpiece for jewelry and transcendent practices. The swinging sixties also saw the Moonstone be celebrated once again, especially as a spiritual tool for healing, and even now, in our modern world, the Moonstone hasn’t lost that connection with being a special amulet to drive our wellness into new realms.

Triple moon Icon waxing, full and waning moon

The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess is a term first popularised by the poet and scholar Robert Graves in the 20th century. He depicted the triplicity as Maiden, Mother and Crone and many neo-pagans have followed this imagery. While some scholars attributed the idea to the lively imagination of the poet, recent archaeology has made it abundantly clear that "Goddess Triplicities" are to be found throughout ancient Europe.

The Maiden Also known as The Huntress or The Virgin, The Maiden is the first in the cycle of the three faces of the Goddess. She is generally portrayed as young and innocent and is seen in the Spring. The Maiden is often used in magick relating to all kinds of new beginnings, like new jobs, new living space, pregnancy, birth, etc. She is symbolized by the colour white and the waxing phase of the moon.

The Mother The Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess tends to be the one that the majority of magical practitioners can relate to the most. She is the matron, the teacher. She represents the high point of the Summer, fulfilment in all areas of life, and sexuality. The Mother is best called on for magick related to childbirth, fertility, marriage, and other major life decisions. She doesn’t have a specific colour associated with her but can generally be represented by most rich colours. She is also symbolized by the full moon.

The Crone The final aspect of the Triple Goddess, The Crone, is far less understood and far more slandered than both The Maiden and The Mother. This is likely due to how most society’s view aging and the elderly, as a kind of dirty secret to be hidden away, but that couldn’t be further from the case when it comes to The Crone. Also known as The Dark Mother or The Wise One, she is often portrayed as being a “hag.” She has experienced much and has plenty of wisdom to impart. The Crone is death, winter, deep mysteries, and darkness because life always has to come full circle. Her colour is black, and she is symbolized by the waning moon.

In Greek Mythology, an example of a trinity of deities are Artemis, Selene, and Hecate. Artemis is the Waxing Moon or Maiden, Selene the Full Moon or mother, and Hecate the Waning Moon or Crone. These distinctions mirror the trinity or threefold nature of the triple goddess throughout other pantheons.

In Norse mythology, you’ll see reference to the three Norns, while in Celtic mythology it’s the single Morrigan.

The Morrígan was a shapeshifter who took many forms; she would often appear in multiple forms throughout a single story. The most common of these forms were a shapely maiden, a battle-ready warrior-queen, an old crone, and a raven.

Learning about the roots of the Triple Goddess, and exactly what her “faces” are, can help you better choose how you want to connect with her during your magical workings.

Honouring The Goddess honours the feminine divine in us all, no matter our gender or phase in life.

The trinity knot - triquetra

The Trinity Knot or triquetra

is one early representation of

the Trinity and may have first

appeared in the Book of Kell’s between the 7th and 10th century.

For Pagans, the trinities of “maiden, mother, crone” and “earth, sea, and sky” are perhaps the most common correspondences with the triquetra and triskele. But there are many others: Mind, body, spirit. Mother, father, child. Sulphur, salt, mercury. Thought, word, deed. Yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Triskele triple spiral design
Triskele triple spiral design

Carved in to the passage Tomb at Newgrange in Ireland at least 2500 years before the Celts reached Ireland, the spirals of the Triskele are said to symbolize the inner and outer worlds and the themes of birth, death, and rebirth as well as the unity of mental, physical, and spiritual self.

The popularity of the triskele and the triquetra as religious symbols alludes to a greater truth—the mystical significance of the number three. You don’t have to dig very deeply in any belief system to find trinities at the core. Thinking of the world in terms of threes is an ancient way of avoiding duality of thought—the “black and white” worldview that cripples learning and spiritual growth.

For Pagans, the trinities of “maiden, mother, crone” and “earth, sea, and sky” are perhaps the most common correspondences with the triquetra and triskele. But there are many others: Mind, body, spirit. Mother, father, child. Sulphur, salt, mercury. Thought, word, deed. Yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Triple moons and three fools

This depiction of the Triple moon is, today, on a building from the 17th or 18th century in Rennes-Le-Chateau, Southern France,

The Gods & Goddesses of the Moon

Most, if not all cultures have deities associated with the Earth's moon—which should not be too surprising, since the position of the Moon in the skies is a harbinger of seasonal changes. Westerners are perhaps more familiar with (female) moon goddesses. Our word lunar, as in the lunar cycle of full, crescent, and new moons, all comes from the feminine Latin Luna. This seems natural because of the association of the lunar month and the female menstrual cycle, but not all societies envision the moon as a woman. In the Bronze Age, the East, from Anatolia to Sumer and Egypt, had (male) moon gods. Here are some of the moon gods and moon goddesses of major ancient religions.

Artimis luna goddess


Artemis was one of the most revered and honored of the ancient Greek deities, ruling over hunting, the moon, childbirth, virginity, as well as the wilderness and wild animals. She was also considered the protector of young women until the age of marriage.

Artemis was one of Zeus‘s many children and went by many different names, including the Roman name Diana. Apollo was her twin brother, who was associated with the sun. Gradually, as her brother’s female counterpart, Artemis became associated with the moon. However, her function and depiction varied from culture to culture. Even though she was considered the moon goddess, she was most commonly depicted as the goddess of wildlife and nature, dancing with nymphs in forests, mountains, and marshes.

Bendis Moon Goddess


Bendis was the goddess of the moon and hunting in Trachia, the ancient kingdom which spread across parts of present-day Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. She was associated with Artemis and Persephone by the ancient Greeks.

The ancient Trachians called her Dilonchos, meaning The Goddess with the Double Spear, for several reasons. The first was that her duties were discharged over two realms – the heaven and the Earth. She was often depicted holding two lances or spears. And lastly, she was believed to possess two lights, one emanating from herself and the other taken from the sun.

Cerridwen celtic goddess


In Welsh folklore and mythology, Cerridwen was the Celtic goddess associated with inspiration, fertility, wisdom. These traits were often linked to the moon and the female intuitive energy.

She was also considered a powerful enchantress and the keeper of the magical cauldron, the source of beauty, wisdom, inspiration, transformation, and rebirth. She’s often portrayed as one aspect of the Celtic Triple Goddess, where Cerridwen is the Crone or the wise one, Blodeuwedd is the Maiden, and Arianhod is the Mother. However, as the majority of Celtic female deities, she embodies all of the three aspects of the Triad within herself.


According to Chinese literature and mythology, Chang’e, or Ch’ang O, was the beautiful Chinese goddess of the moon. According to the legend, Chang’e tried to escape from her husband, the Lord Archer Hou Yi, after he found out that she stole the magical potion of immortality from him. She found refuge on the moon, where she lived with a hare.

Every year in August, the Chinese celebrate a Mid-Autumn Festival in her honor. During the full moon of the festival, it’s customary to make moon cakes, eat them, or share them with friends and family. It’s believed that a toad’s silhouette on the moon represents the goddess, and many go outside to marvel at its appearance.

Coyolxauhqui, Aztec moon deity


Coyolxauhqui, (pron.Koy-ol-shauw-kee) meaning Pained with Bells, was the Aztec female deity of the Milky Way and the moon. According to Aztec mythology, the goddess was killed and dismembered by the Aztec god of war, Huitzilopochtli.

This story was recorded on the enormous stone emonolith found at the Great Temple base in today’s Mexico City, featuring a dismembered and naked female figure.


Diana is the Roman counterpart of the Greek Artemis. Although there’s a substantial cross-reference between the two deities, the Roman Diana developed into a distinct and separate deity in Italy over time.

Just like Artemis, Diana was originally associated with hunting and wildlife, just to later become the main lunar deity. In the feminist Wiccan tradition, Diana is honored as the moon’s personification and the sacred feminine energy. In some classical artwork, this deity is depicted wearing a crescent moon-shaped crown.

Ixcel Mayan goddess of the moon


(pronounced Ishchel) was the Maya goddess of the moon, of love, of gestation, of medicine, and of the textile arts. The Maya represented her as a young woman, as a symbol of the waxing moon, or else as an older woman, as a symbol of the waning moon, pouring a jug of water onto the earth, or sometimes as an elderly woman weaving on a loom. On her head she wore a serpent, and the pattern on her skirt was of bones in the form of a cross.


The god of the moon. A story tells that Ra (the sun God) had forbidden Nut (the Sky goddess) to give birth on any of the 360 days of the calendar. In order to help her give birth to her children, Thoth (the god of wisdom) played against Khonsu in a game of senet. Khonsu lost to Thoth and then he gave away enough moonlight to create 5 additional days so Nut could give birth to her five children. It was said that before losing, the moonlight was on par with the sunlight. Sometimes, Khonsu is depicted as a hawk-headed god, however he is mostly depicted as a young man with a side-lock of hair, like a young Egyptian. He was also a god of time. The centre of his cult was at Thebes which was where he took place in a triad with Amun and Mut. Khonsu was also heavily associated Thoth who also took part in the measurement of time and the moon.

Hekate pagan lunar goddess


According to Greek mythology, Hekate, or Hecate, is the lunar goddess most commonly associated with the moon, magic, witchcraft, and the night creatures, such as ghosts and hell hounds. It was believed that she had powers over all the realms, the sea, the Earth, and heaven.

Hekate was often depicted holding a burning torch as a reminder of her association with the darkness and night. Some myths say that she used the torch to find Persephone, who was abducted and taken to the Underworld. In later depictions, she was portrayed as having three bodies or faces, positioned back-to-back and facing all directions, to represent her duty as the guardian of doorways and crossroads.

Isis Egyptian moon goddess


In Egyptian mythology, Isis, meaning the throne, was the moon goddess associated with life, healing, and magic. She was considered the protector of the sick, women, and children. Sh was the wife and sister of Osiris, and they had a child, Horus.

As one of the most prominent deities of ancient Egypt, Isis assumed the functions of all the other important female deities over time. Some of her most important functions and duties included matrimonial devotion, protection of childhood and womanhood, as well as healing of the sick. She was also believed to be the most potent enchantress, mastering the workings of magical charms and spells.

Isis was the divine embodiment of a perfect mother and wife, often depicted as a beautiful woman wearing cow’s horns with a lunar disk between them.


In Roman mythology and religion, Luna was the lunar goddess and the divine personification of the moon. It was believed that Luna was the female counterpart of the Sun god Sol. Luna is often represented as a separate deity. Still, sometimes she’s considered to be one aspect of the Triple Goddess in Roman mythology, called diva triformis, together with Hecate and Proserpina.

Luna’s often associated with a variety of lunar attributes, including the Blue Moon, instinct, creativity, femininity, and the element of water. She was considered the patroness and protector of charioteers and travelers.


Mama Quilla, also called Mama Killa, can be translated as Mother Moon. She’s the Incan lunar deity. According to Incan mythology, Mama Qulla was the offspring of the Incan supreme creator god, called Viracocha, and their sea goddess, Mama Cocha. The Incas believed that the dark patches on the moon’s surface occurred because of the love between the goddess and a fox. When the fox rose to the heavens to be with his lover, Mama Quilla embraced him so close that it created these dark spots. They also believed that a lunar eclipse was a bad omen, caused by a lion trying to attack and swallow the goddess.

Mama Quilla was considered a protector of women and marriages. The Incas used the moon’s travel across the sky to create their calendar and measure time passage. The goddess had a temple dedicated to her in the city of Cuzco in Peru, which was the capitol of the ancient Incan Empire.

Mani Norse moon god rides on chariot with moon and whip


Mani (pronounced “MAH-nee”; Old Norse Máni, “Moon”) and Sol (pronounced like the English word “soul”; Old Norse Sól, “Sun”) are, as their names suggest, the divinities of the sun and the moon, respectively. Sol is female, and Mani male.

Sol and Mani form a sister and brother pair. When they first emerged as the cosmos was being created, they didn’t know what their powers were or what their role was in the new world. Then the gods met together and created the different parts of the day and year and the phases of the moon so that Sol and Mani would know where they fit into the great scheme of things.


According to the Fon people of Abomey, Mawu is the African creator goddess, associated with the moon. The Fon people believed that Mawu was the moon’s embodiment, responsible for cooler temperatures and the night in Africa. She’s most commonly depicted as an old wise woman and mother who lives in the West, representing old age and wisdom.

Mawu is married to her twin brother and the African sun god, called Liza. It’s believed that together they created the Earth, using their son, Gu, as the holy tool and shaping everything out of clay.

The Fon people believe that the moon or the solar eclipse is the time when Liza and Mawu make love. They’re believed to be the parents of fourteen children or seven twin pairs. Mawu is also considered to be the female deity of joy, fertility, and rest.


Mesopotamian moon god. He was called Nanna in Sumerian, and Su'en or Sin in Akkadian. The earliest writings of both are roughly contemporary, and occur interchangeably. An additional name, which is only attested in literary texts, is Dilimbabbar. The true etymologies of both Nanna and Su'en remain unclear (Krebernik 1993-98b: 360-64).


Rhiannon, also known as the Night Queen, is the Celtic goddess of fertility, magic, wisdom, rebirth, beauty, transformation, poetry, and inspiration. She’s most commonly associated with death, the night, and the moon, as well as horses and otherworldly singing birds.

Because of her connection to horses, she’s sometimes associated with the Gaulish horse goddess Epona, and the Irish goddess Macha. In Celtic mythology, she was initially called Rigantona, who was the Celtic Great Queen and Mother. Therefore, Rhiannon is at the center of two different Gaulish cults – celebrating her as the Horse Goddess and the Mother Goddess.

Marble statue of Selene Luna goddess of the Greeks


In Greek mythology, Selene was the Titan lunar goddess, representing the moon. She’s the daughter of two other Titan deities, Theia and Hyperion. She has one brother, the sun god Helios, and a sister, the goddess of the dawn Eos. She’s usually depicted sitting in her moon chariot and riding across the night sky and heavens.

Although she’s a distinct deity, she’s sometimes associated with the other two moon goddesses, Artemis and Hecate. However, while Artemis and Hecate were considered moon goddesses, Selene was thought to be the moon’s incarnation. Her Roman counterpart was Luna.


According to Native American mythology, Yolkai Estsan was the moon deity of the Navajo tribe. It was believed that her sister and the sky goddess, Yolkai, made her out of an abalone shell. Therefore, she was also known as the White Shell Woman.

Yolkai Estsan was typically associated with the moon, the Earth, and the seasons. For Native Americans, she was the ruler and protector of the oceans and of the dawn, as well as the creator of maize and fire. They believed that the goddess created the first men out of white corn and women out of yellow corn.

The moon gods and goddesses played essential roles in many cultures and mythologies around the world. However, as civilization progressed, these deities have slowly lost their importance. The organized Western religions proclaimed the belief in the moon deities as pagan, heretical, and heathen. Soon after, the worshiping of the lunar deities was dismissed by others as well, arguing that it was primitive superstition, fantasy, myth, and fiction. Nevertheless, some modern pagan movements and Wicca still look upon the moon deities as vital elements in their belief system.

Reflected Moon over moving water

However you view the Moon and whatever you believe, you are affected by its changing energy. Learn to understand the Moon and work with it, allow it to nourish your body and enhance your life.

There is so much more to find out about the Moon and its influence – continue your discovery with this BBC article By Kelly Grovier

Credit for this article is owed to: Medical News today, Grove and Grotto .com,, The BBC, Witches Law, Tiny Rituals, Dynamic Science, Thoughtco,,,,, Aarona Lea,,


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