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Da Vinci

Thought Leaders,
Visionaries, Explorers

Find your own direction. Develop a Broader Perspective.

Dr Brene Brown

the researcher 

With one of the most viewed TED talks of all time, research professor and best-selling author Dr. Brené Brown challenges you to show up, step into the arena and answer the call to courage.

HERE BRENE joins RUSSELL BRAND in an inspiring conversation

Brene Brown - on stage at Vulnerability Ted talk

The Man in the Arena

Brene draws inspiration from this quote - It speaks to me about the gritty and halting progress we make on the way through our lives and the difference in what Daring Greatly means to all of us

Text from "the man in the arena". by Theodore Roosevlet

find books

Following on from Brenés  Ted talk on vulnerability you might want to take a look at her books. Daring Greatly is just one.

Book cover - Daring Greatly - Brene Brown

articles, podcasts and more

Looking for more from Brené? Linked below  is a collection of online articles and podcasts she has been featured in. Or discover her new ONLINE LEARNING SERIES

Brene Brown face on yellow background
Sounds True logo
CEO of Sounds True on human development in the workplace

Dr Richard Davidson

meet the professor

Davidson is the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison where he has been a faculty member since 1984. He is the founder of Healthy Minds Innovations, Inc., Watch this short video to see what makes him tick.

Richard Davidson close up face

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Two New York Times best-selling authors unveil new research showing what meditation can really do for the brain. In the last 20 years, meditation and mindfulness have gone from being kind of cool to becoming an omnipresent Band-Aid for fixing everything from your weight to your relationship to your achievement level. Unveiling here the kind of cutting-edge research that has made them giants in their fields, Daniel Goleman and Richard J Davidson show us the truth about what meditation can really do for us, as well as exactly how to get the most out of it.

Book cover. Altered traits, Daniel Goeman and Richard Davidson

the psychologist

Davidson is best known for his groundbreaking work studying emotion and the brain. A friend and confidante of the Dalai Lama, he is a highly sought after expert and speaker, leading conversations on well-being on international stages such as the World Economic Forum, where he serves on the Global Council on Mental Health. Time Magazine named Davidson one of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World” in 2006. Listen here to a short video on WELL BEING AS A SKILL

The world we make white text on orange background

Get the app

The Healthy Minds Program is translating pioneering neuroscience into tools for everyday life. You'll find a combination of Podcast style lessons, seated and active meditations designed to train your mind to be more calm and focused. This app will help you develop skills to strengthen appreciation, kindness, and compassion. Learn how your sense of self shapes your emotions and reactions. Strengthen your values and principles and learn simple skills to apply them in everyday life. Try this app - its FREE

Hand holds phone - using the Healthy Minds App

Dr Joe Dispenza

break the habit

Dr. Joe Dispenza, D.C. got knocked of his BIKE in a road race in the 80s and  healed his shattered spine by managing his mind. He made a pack with the universe that if he could heal himself he would devote his life to the to study the mind and it's effect on matter. Joe received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating magna cum laude. He had studied biochemistry at Rutgers University and also holds a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in Neuroscience. His postgraduate education has been in neurology, neuroscience, brain function and chemistry, cellular biology, memory formation and aging and longevity and EPIGENTICS. The video below will start you off on what Joe is about


woman face shows  shock at social media feed

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You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life. A new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose. Visit Dr Joe's WEBSITE for more

Becoming Supernatural bookcover by Joe Dispenza

interviews and testimonials

The interviews Joe has done with AUBREY MARCUS are well worth looking at. Dr Joe is easy to listen to - he tells us what it means to be in control of our lives - to wake up to new possibilities and take this attitude with you through the day.

He discusses the world of Quantum physics (for more see BRIAN GREEN or SEAN CARROLL) and how the quantum world is related to living in the present moment (ECKHART TOLLE) 


See  some testimonials from people who have actually done "The Work" through the picture

Dr Joe Dispenza on stage with mirophone, relaxed

do the work

Read about the MEDITATION process and find out more about THE FORMULA

The Image below links you to all Dr Joes Meditations on his website

Walking Meditations  promotional poster  - Joe Dispennza

engage for less

Start a FREE TRIAL and get access to REWIRED or become a LIVE ACCESS member of GAIA to enjoy unlimited live streaming of all upcoming and archived events featuring some of the world's greatest minds in the fields of personal transformation.

This is phenomenal value - Dr Joes sought after workshops come at a high price - this Gaia  membership offers access to his teaching for a fraction of the cost.

Click the picture below find out more about this exclusive three day workshop.

Rewired series "Building Quantum Coherence" on Gia with Joe Dispenza

what the Bleep

Dr Joe became  well known following   the making of this 2004 film which was funded by William Arntz, (co-director) Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente; all three of whom were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - a group he now rarely refers to but which influenced him at at the time of HIS BIKE ACCIDENT in 1986

What the Bleep video promo - Basketball Court.

Caroline McHugh


In the early 90's, Caroline founded IDology, a movement dedicated to helping individuals and organisations be original versions of themselves, not pale imitations of each other. A deeply unfashionable philosophy at that time, in two decades it’s gone from being fanciful, to a "lapel grabber", to received wisdom..

In this video Caroline talks about herself - growing up in Glasgow, her first marriage and her "Third Act"

Caroline McHugh close up face image laughing


“If Ellen Degeneres, Anita Roddick and the Buddha had a love child, it would be Caroline.” –  JONATHAN MILDENHALL, CMO, AIRBNB


For more than two decades, Caroline has been inspiring captains of industry, politicians, global economists, and internationally renowned artists, all with the intention of helping them discharge their talents more fully. She and her small team of IDologists have swept through organisations from Master-card to MTV, proving that when personal engagement rises, productivity and profits do too – turns out putting yourself to work is not just good for you – it’s good for business, because it’s the only place in your life you have no competition.


Her TEDx talk is worth 26 minutes of your time if you can find it.

Croline Mc Hugh speaking at tedX.

Brian Greene

theoretical physicist, mathematician, and string theorist

Brian explains in this video the the world beyond three dimensions, the history of Physics from Newton and Einstein to Kaluza and Kline and on to early string theories. He explains the tiny world of vibrating filaments or strings that make up particles, electrons and quarks and talks about the dimensions in which these strings exist. He goes on to discuss the possibilities the Hadron collider at CERN provides for proving the existence of these other  dimensions

Brian Greene srtes string theory on glass in a spiral in front of himself

unified theory tied up

In this fascinating if lengthy video join Brian Greene and other leading minds in theoretical physics take us from where Einstein started on  a whirlwind ride through the twists and turns of string theory—its past, its future, and about the search for the universe’s final theory.

Brian Green on Unified theory - coloured electron field on black background

higgs particle

Brian talks here about how the mathematical theory led to finding the Higgs particle and about why this species of particle is different from the rest. 

Cern, Higgs particle machine outlined onthe landscape to show real life size

expanding universe

In the video linked to the image Brian talks about the fascinating theory of the ever expanding universe. What it means for future generations and, by implication, how it might impact the way we understand information from ancient stargazers.

Geometric shape moves in space

Malcolm Gladwell

intellectual provocateur

What if the most successful entrepreneurs aren't the risk-takers, but the risk-averse? Might the world's intelligence agencies be better off firing all their spies? Is there a good reason why there are multiple kinds of mustard, but only one major brand of ketchup? The point isn't necessarily to accept his conclusions, but to be jolted – even if via the improbable medium of ketchup – into seeing the whole world afresh. 

Read more about Malcolm in this Guardian interview which, amongst other things,  examines the role of history's underdogs and misfits.

Malcolm Gladwell Close up

oprah interview

In the interview linked below the journalist, podcaster and bestselling author discusses with Oprah his latest book - TALKING TO STRANGERS - and the dangers of prejudging others.

Malcolm Gladwell talks to Oprah in the garden

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Malcolm Gladwell is the author of five New York Times bestsellers — THE TIPPING POINT, BLINK, OUTLIERS, WHAT THE DOG SAW, and DAVID AND GOLIATH. He is also the co-founder of Pushkin Industries, an audio content company that produces the podcasts Revisionist History, which reconsiders things both overlooked and misunderstood, and Broken Record, where he, Rick Rubin, and Bruce Headlam interview musicians across a wide range of genres. Gladwell has been included in the TIME 100 Most Influential People list and touted as one of Foreign Policy’s Top Global Thinkers.

Malcolm Gladwell Talking to strangers book cover

if you haven't already



Malcolm Gladwell is now teaching his first online writing class. In over 24 lessons learn how to craft stories that captivate.  Malcolm researches topics, crafts characters, and distils big ideas into simple, powerful narratives. JOIN TODAY - It's 2 for 1

Malcolm Gladwell close up - promotes Masterclass writing course

Nikola Tesla

the inventor

1856 - 1943  As Tesla said, if you need to discover the secrets in the universe, you need to view things with a perspective of how much energy they carry, their frequency, and their vibrations. Tesla understood these concepts and it is  not surprising that he generated over 600 patents, and made energy discoveries which revolutionized the US and the whole world. This image connects to a dubbed animation on his life.

Nikola Tesla face

read article

TESLA, The company, shares its name with Nikola Tesla, the inventor and engineer who designed the modern ALTERNATING CURRENT electric supply system. It was using this system that Tesla designed the Tesla Roadster, the company’s first vehicle, launched in 2008. The Roadster was the final product after a deal with Lotus, who manufactured the complete cars but without the power-train.

tesla battery held between fingers

Energy, frequency, vibration

What did Nikola Tesla mean by his quote, if you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration?

Find out by exploring  THE 7 LAWS of the universe, the science of  PHYSICS and emotional VIBRATIONS

Nikola Tesla, the immutable law of vibration definition - long text

energy, frequency & vibration. 3,6 & 9

Essentially, according to vortex math, that repeated pattern of numbers defines a “vortex”, which is the deepest structure in the universe, and it's the key to understanding all of math, all of PHYSICS, all of metaphysics, all of medicine.

live vortex maths lit diamond graph showing importance of numbers 3,6,9

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From Tesla's childhood in Yugoslavia to his death in New York in the 1940s, Cheney paints a compelling human portrait and chronicles a lifetime of discoveries that radically altered -- and continue to alter -- the world in which we live. Tesla: Man Out of Time is an in-depth look at the seminal accomplishments of a scientific wizard and a thoughtful examination of the obsessions and eccentricities of the man behind the science.

Nikola Tesla poster "Man out of Time"


The internal construction of the Great Pyramid resembles a power plant, and no mummy has ever been found inside the pyramid. Is this merely a coincidence, or is it possible that the pyramids weren’t burial chambers but rather ENERGY TRANSMITTERS?

Nikola Tesla, pyramid power poster

Sean Carroll

parallel universes - many worlds theory

Sean Carroll is a  theoretical physicist specialising in quantum mechanics, in link from the picture below he explains  how QM has led him to believe the universe continually splits into new branches, to produce multiple versions of ourselves.


Here Dr Carroll explains a short version of the MANY WORLDS THEORY and SUPERPOSITION

Sean Carroll, hall of mirrors - parallel universes

physics - classical and quantum

The everyday, material world we live in is described by what's known as CLASSICAL MECHANICS. 

The world of atoms and molecules, the makeup  of the universe, is known as QUANTUM MECHANICS
The video clip below broadly outlines QM using the Schrodinger's Cat theory. 
Click on the cat to see what Schrodinger's theory is and its relevance to everyday life or see what JOE DISPENZA has to say on the subject

Line drawing of Shroedingers Cat.

waves and particles

Here we see how light entering a box through two slits appears to change from wave to particle under observation.

Sean Carroll, quantum mechanics, demonstration of light shiming through double slit board giving multiple lines behind

Napoleon Hill


1883 - 1970  Napoleon Hills checkered career was made successful initially by the publication of the volumes collected during the 20 years he was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to study the very wealthy.  In the linked pic below video Kevin Trudeau discusses Napoleons work.

Black and white image of Napoleon HIll, Andrew Carnegie in bowler hats

science of success

Until the later years Hill considered himself a man of science but you will see there are many correlations between his teachings and more current LAW OF ATTRACTION philosophies  and also ancient HERMETIC LAW

Napoleon Hill, 6 steps poster - science of success

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The early years of the Great Depression in the 1930's saw Hills finances dwindle but by 1937 he released his best known work - Think and Grow Rich - which returned him to the lifestyle he had enjoyed 10 years earlier

Book cover Napoleon Hill, Think and grow rich

Landmark Forum

the forum

Landmark is in the business of altering what is possible for people. Founded in January 1991 by several of the presenters of a training program known as "the Forum". Landmark licensed the intellectual property rights to the Forum from Werner Erhard and Associates.

Click through the pic to a video of someone very new to the programme  which tries to explain just what transpires in the 3/4 day forum or take a look at this IN DEPTH REVIEW from a business leaders point of view and consider his unspoken correlations to other thought leaders perspectives.

landmark forum cog wheel

huffpost article

Read this article by Luis Moro for the Huffpost - an advocate of the forum in all ways.

Landmark forum Mark twain quote "When in doublt tell the truth"

take it further

If you want to take Landmark further there are advanced courses to help Live an Extraordinary Life and redefine what’s possible

landmark forum promo poster text reads Life isn't about finding yourslf it's about creating yourself

get the books

Landmark Insights, Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 explore what it takes to create a life you love, what it takes to design our lives.

Landmark forum Insights poster -Conversations that matter

Maya Angelou

renaissance woman

Maya Angelou is best known today for her writing she has penned more than 30 books and is the recipient of more than 50 honorary degrees. Angelou was born Marguerite Annie Johnson in St. Louis in 1928, but in the 1950's came up with “Maya Angelou,” which is a portmanteau of sorts, by combining her childhood nickname and a riff on her then-husband’s surname.  Her jobs have included: cook, waitress, sex-worker, dancer, actor, playwright, editor at an English-language newspaper in Egypt, Calypso singer, and cast member of the opera Porgy and Bess.

Oprah Winfrey has called Angelou mentor, even mother and says that “Maya Angelou is not what she has done or written or spoken, it’s how she did it all. She moved through the world with unshakable calm, confidence, and a fiery, fierce grace and abounding love.”

Link through the picture to see a video of an amazing and inspiring life or watch  "ON THE PULSE OF MORNING" at Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993

Maya Angelou sitting - claps - in dark glasses Born 1928


“Still I Rise” is one of Maya Angelou's most celebrated poems. Originally published in 1978 in Angelou's third volume of verse, And Still I Rise, it shares its title with a play she wrote in 1976 and was written during a highly prolific time in the author's career. Listen to Maya recite "Still I rise to  more modern video-graphic images. Another piece of prose worth hearing and recited here  is  "PHENOMONAL WOMAN" 

still i rise, maya angelou poster

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Sent by their mother to live with their devout, self-sufficient grandmother in a small Southern town, Maya and her brother, Bailey, endure the ache of abandonment and the prejudice of the local “powhitetrash.” At eight years old and back at her mother’s side in St. Louis, Maya is attacked by a man many times her age—and has to live with the consequences for a lifetime. Click through the picture and find "I know why the caged Bird Sings" and many more of Maya angelous's inspiring writing.

Maya Angelou, I know why the caged bird sings bookcover

read and listen

Oprah talks about one of the lessons she learned form Maya about learning from mistakes and letting go of the past.

Do the best you can Untill you know better, Then,, when youknow better, do better - Maya Angelou poster quote

Marianne Williamson

america rising

Marianne discusses American and global history, she gets to the real issues behind how we got to where we are today. She talks about standing up to the forces of evil now, as we have in the past. This in depth and graphic 2018 talk It will give you a good idea of where she is coming from with her political stand in 2020. 

Marianne Williamson, Democratic candidate, spiritual politician on stage

steps back

Marianne's second bid for the 2020 presidential nomination is over. 

She formally ended her campaign on January 10. She said, "To the remaining Democratic candidates, I wish you all the best on the road ahead. It was an honour being among you. 

On February 23, 2020, Williamson appeared at a campaign rally in Austin, Texas for US Senator Bernie Sanders and officially announced her endorsement.

Marianne williamson,  politics of love


Reworked in 2018 from the original 1997 version. Marianne encourages a return  to our first principles, both politically and spiritually. Williamson draws plans to transform the American political consciousness and encourage powerful citizen involvement to heal our society.

Also see her 2019 book POLITICS OF LOVE - A Handbook for the New American Revolution

Healing the soul of america, book cover

behind the politics

I first knew of Marianne Williamson through her WRITING around A Course in Miracles. Take a closer look at some of her work by clicking the pic below

A return to love. Book cover - Marianne Williamson

Russell Brand

12 steps to healing

Find freedom from the things that control you - Recover the person you were intended to be . Russell runs through the outline of the process or "administration" of the 12 steps of recovery in the video linked to the pic below.

Visit his RECOVERY programme website


Russell, Brandin black singlet looks out of shot

what meditation did to me

A short and engaging video from Russell detailing his experience with meditation

Russell, Brand, black and white text posterposter


Listen, watch and read - Podcasts,Videos and Articles

 Russell Brand, Brand Icon Green line drawing

Under the skin

In the video linked below Russell and Brene engage in the realest of ways to discuss many ideas including Spiritual politics, corporate social engineering right through to parenting using choice theory. There are many such interviews at LUMINARY - in Brands words:

'UNDER THE SKIN' asks: what's beneath the surface - of people we admire, of the ideas that define our time, of the history we are told. Speaking with guests from the world of academia, popular culture and the arts, they'll help us to see the ulterior truth behind our constructed reality. And have a laugh.

Russell Brand and Brene Brown, promo for Under the skin, Luminary website

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RECOVERY: Freedom from our addictions. Published in 2017.

What unhealthy habits and attachments are holding your life together? Are you unconsciously dependent on food? Bad relationships? A job that doesn't fulfill you? Numb, constant perusal of your phone, looking for what?

Freedom from our addictions promotional, Russell Brand,

Jordan B Peterson

One of the most compelling aspects of Peterson's lectures is his ability to engage with his audience. He encourages critical thinking and healthy debate, and often challenges his listeners to consider new perspectives and ideas. He has a unique way of connecting with his audience, and his lectures can be both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging. 

Overall, Jordan Peterson's lectures are a valuable resource for anyone interested in psychology, philosophy, politics, or culture. His insights and ideas have resonated with millions of people around the world, and he has inspired many to take control of their lives and strive for personal excellence. Since retiring from Toronto University Jordan has teamed up with The Daily Wire - a conservative news hub which describes itself as one of America’s fastest-growing media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. We’re building the future you want to see.

Jordan Peterson close up sittingwears plaid vest holds one hand over the other in front of his mouth, leans forward

For a full list of serious reading recommended by Jordan Click here

Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago book cover

Get a comprehensive description of the factors and aspects of your own personality. The Understand Myself Assessment takes only 15-20 minutes, and the results will give you a report based on the Big Five Aspects Scale, the scientific model that describes your personality through the (Big Five) factors and each of their two aspects. If you want to understand more about yourself, enroll in Discovering Personality - an 8-module personality course taught by Dr. Peterson, aimed at helping you understand yourself and others based on the “Big Five” model of personality.

Jordan Peterson  website promotion image for the "Understanding myself " personality assesment

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and was until 2019, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He is now professor emeritus, although he was not yet 60 when he resigned his tenure. (Read more about his reasons for resigning here) He became prominent in the public eye  because he argued that amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code would require compelled speech. He has also gained a large following through his lectures on philosophy, psychology, and personal development, which he delivers on his YouTube channel and through his best-selling book "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos."  Find out more at

Jordan Peterson lectuting - close up image he has hands gesticulating and ear peice mic

In a counter offering to a generation who would go out and "Fix" the world, Peterson suggests displaying your own competence locally, managing what you can actually control, before championing larger causes predominantly out of reach. It’s humbling, he continues, because you’re not “exceeding your domain of competence.”

This Josh Rogan Podcast sums it up 

Jordan Peterson styilised poster with sunburst background sits relaxed - Text reads "Clean your Room"

his books

  1. "Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief" (1999) - Explores the relationship between belief systems, mythology, and human consciousness.

  2. "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" (2018) - Offers practical advice and philosophical insights for leading a more meaningful and ordered life.

  3. "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life" (2021) - A sequel to "12 Rules for Life," this book provides additional guidance for navigating life's challenges and uncertainties.

12 Rules for Life - JB Peterson

What is The Peterson Academy? Launching in November 2023 - the goal is real, affordable, education.

The Peterson Academy

Peterson is a controversial figure who has been criticized for his views on various topics, including gender and identity politics. Linked through the image is the widely viewed Cathy Newman interview which gives both a true insight into Petersons clarity of thought and into the issues he has been taken to task about. There is a lot to discover about Dr Peterson.

Jordan Peterson and Kathy Newman Head shots side by side

Wade Davis

anthropologist, writer, ethnobotanist, filmmaker, explorer

Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society from 2000 to 2013, he is currently professor of anthropology and the BC Leadership Chair in Cultures and Ecosystems at Risk at the University of British Columbia. Author of more than 20 books, including One River, The Wayfinders, Into the Silence, and Magdalena, he holds degrees in anthropology, biology and  ethnobotany.

In 2018, he was made an Honorary Citizen of Colombia. Named by the National Geographic Society as one of the Explorers for the Millennium, he has been described as “a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet and passionate defender of all of life’s diversity.” 

The video linked below will inspire you to find outmore about this intrepid man

Wade Davis in red scarf

mapping our existence on the planet

Visit Wades website to really understand his life and work. Take some time to unfold this site. The films, lectures, blogs are all inspiring - not to mention the amazing photographs. We have found it to be a real hidden gem

Wade Davis in Columbia - photo of Boy in a bowl

browse books

Author of 22 books "Wade Davis is a rare treasure - a professional scientist who writes like a poet. Everest, The Amazon, Columbia Haiti, The Rain forest of Borneo. Wade lives and loves indigenous cultures around the world. He shows us that preserving the diversity of the world's cultures and spiritual beliefs is as important as preserving endangered plants and animals--and vital to our understanding of who we are.

The picture links you to all his books.

Book cover - The Wayfinders by Wade Davis

kingdoms are born to die

"In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of American exceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day, Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional and incompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic end note to America’s claim to supremacy in the world. 
Trump is less the cause of America’s decline than a product of its descent." Wade Davis
Click through the image below to read or listen to this eye opening Rolling Stone INTERVIEW with Wade Davis

Rolling-Stone logo

The Freemasons Path

History, symbolism & practice

The YouTube presentation linked below is given by a Mason. It is an in depth account of the history, symbolism and practice of ancient and modern Masons

The pillars and symbols of Freemasons on a checkered floor

The second degree -

fellow of the craft

To become a Fellow of the Craft you have been an Entered Apprentice within the Masonic order for more than 7 months, You have left behind the youthful understandings of the apprentice and are ready for more intellectual education - the time has come for  the Passing ceremony. Here begins the second phase of education in the three degrees. This stage is symbolised by the Plumb line as it is the stage of building, precisely. 
For Stonemasons this means building actual structures, for the initiated it is the building of character, abilities and talents for the benefit of yourself and your community. This level of progression is illustrated by the position of the Square and Compasses on the Volume of the Sacred Law. One point of the compasses is disclosed, implying that you are now in the midway of Freemasonry, superior to an entered apprentice, but inferior to the degree of a Master Mason to which you will hopefully soon progress.
The video linked through the picture talks about alchemical template for the Second Degree. It gives an insight to the depths of less mundane aspects of the organisation.

Masonic Icon Plumbline hangs on side of brick wall

the first degree -
the Apprentice

The path of a Mason begins with three degrees: the first, The Entered Apprentice, represents birth and the preparatory stage of life, or in other words, youth, or the "physical"; The first ceremony represents coming out of darkness into the (Masonic) light. The initiate seeks self-improvement of a mystical or spiritual nature which is also moral, intellectually and philosophical.  The rolled trouser identifies and "unshackled" Freeman and the rope is symbolic of the tethering or taming of mans base nature and it  it is also a promise that he will help his Brother however much he can - as long as it’s within the length of his tow rope. That’s why the length of the cable tow rope is so important; it measures how capable the Brother is in terms of being able to assist his fellow Freemason. Here is a STUDY GUIDE for the Entered Apprentice. The picture takes you to Be a Freemason .org


Sketch of entered apprentice being guided in cermony

the third degree and beyond

For more about the next stages of the Path 

sculpture of Socrates face with test - KNOW THYSELF

Mind Movies

create your own digital vision board

This is THE TOOL YOU NEED to start  manifesting. 

If you are serious about focusing on your goals take the time to find out more about how to make your very own short films about the life we would like to have, filled with positive affirmations, inspiring images, and motivating music. Whether you would like to change your professional life, find your significant other, or you just want to create a healthy lifestyle, these mind movies are definitely the way to go. Take a look at the video linked below and see if this is something you can put to use 

MInd movies logo

start here

These movies have helped me enormously.  It's about getting clear on what you want and where you are going and that's why I would highly encourage you to start creating your personalised digital vision board and let it work with the psychology of the brain. You will soon discover, after repeatedly watching it, that it eliminates the obstacles your subconscious might throw into your way, and with the help of the Law of Attraction, something magical happens.

Find out more - watch  Bob Procter and Natalie Ledwell - below.

Bob Proctor and Natalie Ledwell


Natalie Ledwell  founded Mind Movies in 2007 and more recently has released a VIDEO with an incredible interview with none other than one of the masters of success himself, Bob Proctor… but what’s even more intriguing is that in the video she tells the private insider story of how she and her partner, Glen, went from “down and out” down under in Australia, to living the life of their dreams in California.

I am Inviincible  - Mind movie cover.

Natalie's story

In her book NEVER IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS Natalie tells us about how, from a life of money problems, relationship struggles, and the desperate yearning for happiness  the story anyone can relate to of one woman's path to success. There is no luck involved. It doesn't have to happen to just a few. Astonishing success can happen to anyone if they just follow these secrets and insights.

Natalie Led well Bookcover, Never in your wildest dreams

Paul McKenna


Paul McKenna is a Hypnotist, one of the most famous globally - probably because he realised that by creating entertainment from the skill he could reach a wider audience to promote the healing powers of  mind body connection. McKenna started off in radio aged 16 at Radio Topshop, and went on to present for stations including Radio Caroline and the   BBC. He became interested in hypnotism as a result of a guest who appeared on his show. His interest stemmed initially for reasons of self-development, He was taught hypnosis by American practitioner RICHARD BANDLER, with whom he continued to work closely with for many years. Find out more about Paul McKenna in the YouTube video linked through the picture below

 Paul Mckenna in blue suit and blue shirt smiles

the podcasts

Each week, the podcast will feature Paul talk with some of the world's most interesting people in a deeply explorative style. 

In the first episode, he interviews X Factor judge Simon Cowell. Future episodes feature actor Warwick Davis, rock legend Roger Daltrey, DJ Paul Oakenfold, American Idol star Ryan Seacrest, guru Tony Robbins and former England captain Gary Lineker.

The show aims to understand how they do what they do, and reveal their success mindset. 

Paul Mckennas positivity podcast promo poster

interview 2020

McKenna has helped millions of people successfully lose weight, quit smoking, and gain confidence, including David Beckham, Ellen DeGeneres, and Stephen Fry. He is the UK’s most successful non-fiction author, and has sold over seven million BOOKS including “I Can Make You Rich”, “I Can Make You Happy”, and “I Can Make You THIN”, which is the best-selling, self-help book in UK history.
In the INTERVIEW HERE Brian Rose talks to Paul about everything from 70's music  to his changing life direction.

The image takes you to the London real website  which promotes healthy free speech.


londonreal - Transform yourself logo


When Paul McKenna veered away from his day job as a radio presenter and began investigating mind matters in the early 1990s, no wonder it was seen as entertainment. The complexities of our brains hadn’t really sunk in to everyday life: “mental health” was barbed in stigma, mindfulness was still in the domain of Buddhists only. McKenna’s name was even brought up when the House of Commons debated if hypnotism was safe, or a type of witchcraft. Link through the picture to tread the whole article

Paul McKenna analyses himslf on couch

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

What is it?

NLP works from the starting point that you may not control much in your life, but that you can always take control of what goes on in your head.

Your thoughts, feelings and emotions are not things that are, or that you have, but things that you do. Their causes can often be very complicated, involving, for instance, comments or beliefs from your parents or teachers, or events that you have experienced.

NLP shows you how you can take control of these beliefs and influences. Using mind techniques such as visualisation, you can change the way that you think and feel about past events, fears and even phobias. The video linked below provides a shortish  explanation.

NLP looking down on coloured brain

free workbook

Attached through the image below  is a FREE PRACTICAL, CREATIVE, GUIDEBOOK to achieving the results you want using Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques.

Based on the idea that the human mind is a sort of computer – our verbal and body language are the programmes which allow us to change our own thoughts and influence other people e.g. using body language and speech patterns to create instant rapport with someone else.

We already use such techniques on a sub-conscious level – NLP simply helps us crystalise what we already know.

This work book is a basic, at-home NLP course, providing easy-to-follow exercises and reflections to which the reader can return time and again. 

Joseph O'Connor workbook NLP cover

Richard Bandler

John Grinder 

& Frank Pucelik

A Student, a Linguist and a War Veteran. There were three enquiring minds that put together what we know as NLP - they have all fallen out and should probably use the therapies they all, independently to this day, promote.

Below is a video summary of how they got together. The details of the 9 year Court case that pulled them apart is linked HERE

Richard Bandler- John Grinder, Franck Pucelik

Virginia Satir,

Fritz Perls

& Milton Erikson

It was through studying and eventually modelling a few specific therapists in the 1970’s that connected the unconscious mind and its ability to be programmed and reprogrammed to the development of NLP as we know it today.  Specifically, Fritz Perls, a Gestalt therapist, Virginia Satir, a family therapist, and Dr. Milton Erickson, a hypnotherapist, all obtained exceptional results with their clients and used specific techniques that worked and communicated directly with the unconscious mind.  These therapists knew, understood, and used this concept before the term neuroplasticity was even coined. Read more by clicking the picture

Drawing of brain from top in orange text reads - The brain continually reorganises iteslf by forming new neural connections throughout life - This phenomena is known as Neuroplasticity

NLP, meditation and hypnosis

Hypnosis and NLP have long been used in conjunction with each other to make deep use of the linguistic patterning NLP developed. The video linked to the image is an except from the longer PAUL McKENNA interview on LONDONREAL 

Lookjing down stairs - Fabonaci spiral

Subliminal Affirmations

listen and grow

REAL SUBLIMINAL has come up with a selection of albums to download (CD's are available too)  so you can listen to premade affirmations or you cam make your own CUSTOMISED AFFIRMATIONS anytime and have the benefits of these positive messages go directly to your subconscious mind for maximum effect.
Here is a small selection of albums available



"You got this" in chalk on pavement

attract success

Success is a state of mind and if you can change the way your mind works, you too can be successful. This album works in two ways to do exactly this.

Firstly, it will give you a "Success Mindset": You too can be as successful as anyone else - the difference is within your mind. In your beliefs, motivation, ambition and confidence. Successful people share certain character traits; they believe in themselves, they believe anything is possible, they are positive, they are persistent, they never give up. THIS ALBUM will instill in you these traits, so that you will become successful in everything you do.

Subliminal affirmations  promo - Its-not-how-good-you-are Its how good you want to be

cultivate an attitude of gratitude

This is a key album in our law of attraction range - gratitude is often the element that people neglect. The law of attraction states that "our thoughts become our reality" and whatever we focus on we can achieve or manifest into our lives - whether it be attracting money, success, health etc.

Often people start using the law of attraction in a proactive way - imagining themselves with their new life, writing and repeating affirmations and focusing on what they want. This is a step in the right direction, but the key element of gratitude often gets neglected in the process.

Poster - Gratitude turns what we have into enough

test it out for free

If you are in any way skeptical about the power of subliminal messaging this FREE ALBUM will show you exactly what to expect. Results do vary from one person to the next, however once you begin to feel relaxed, and a sense of calm from this album then you will know that you are receptive to subliminal messaging and that our other albums will work for you too.

  • Experience the benefits of subliminal messaging completely RISK FREE.

  • You can be listening to this album in just a few minute's time.

  • Enjoy natural relaxation, and a feeling of calmness INSTANTLY.

Mobile phone with ear buds on cord wrapped around pnone - Text reads - Download a free-subliminal MP3
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